Friday, June 11, 2010

My Birthday Surprise!

This is how I picked up my birthday package from Heath at the post office here. They escorted us into a back room in the post office, apologizing the whole way. I wasn't the least bit upset, I am just so surprised they didn't trash it after demolishing the package! Heath tried to surprise me with some treats from America -- rainbow chip icing for a birthday cake, prunes, and a new faucet for my kitchen so I can keep the window open to keep cooler! All arrived here in Kigali, only as you can see, it was somehow smashed to pieces. You better believe that I came home an salvaged every bit of icing I could - opened with ants on it or not! Thank you to my sweet husband for thinking of me and to my sister for sending it on. Jessica asked what she could have done differently to package it better and I told her the only safe bet would be to send it in a corrugated steal box next time! :)


Jessica said...

I'm glad you got some of the icing! Happy Birthday late!

Anonymous said...

This CRACKED me up but then I was a little sad for you!