Upon arrival, Heath's Uncle Carl picked us up from the airport and as you can see there was no doubt as to who our ride was. We could see the AMOS sign from halfway down the terminal and laughed heartily about it. Uncle Carl and Aunt Becky live just about 80 miles away from Ft. Myers, so we were able to visit with them for the day before the conference started. It was a special time together and we definately were fed like kings.
As you see in the pictures above, some of our time was spent in the classroom with, Dr. Daniel Fountain, 30+ year missionary to the Congo. He shared much with us about cross-cultural communication and teaching. His experience was phenominal and we gleaned much from his interactive class during the week. Many of his thoughts will stay with and influence our work in Rwanda.
Also, we spent a lot of time out on the global farm at ECHO. They grow and experiment with numerous types of farming and plants, that are used in tropical environments or third world cultures. Their study is devoted to improving or supporting practices that are already happening on the field. They also do much reasearch with appropriate technology that will improve the lifestyle, health and culture of third world countries. We were so impressed by this farm project, that we are planning to have Heath go back for two weeks in November to have more hands on training with agriculture. We see this as a wonderful avenue to reach people in Rwanda, as the small subsistant village farm is a daily part of most everyone's lives.
The picture that has Rebecca eating a leaf, was typical of the week on the farm. We learned so much about new plants they are discovering that have phenominal nutritional value and can be easily grown year round in the tropics. I had no idea so many leaves of plans could be eaten!
Also, you see me just over 5 months pregnant. Getting a bit bigger and loving little Pete, with all his kicking and twisting around. We are counting down the days until February 13th! We are doing well and love you all.