Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Holding My Head Up

Pete is really starting to have fun on his belly. When he figured out how to really hold his head up, it was like he was discovering the world for the first time all over again! You could see the fascination and wow in his eyes as he looked around. He has started to grab for toys and pull them to himself to play with. He rolls over well, except when he is really tired! And he is almost able to roll from back to belly too. He has figured out lots of things on his little exer-saucer seat in the picture above. He is a content and happy little guy and we have so much fun with him. We had a great 4th of July too and we found some red, white and blue in his wardrobe, but you have to look closely for the red converse shoes!


Tim said...

Pete looks so happy!! He is so stinking cute! I love you guys and am glad Pete is doing so well!

Danny McD said...

Pete is a stud...he is very cute! It looks like he is doing a great job holding his nugget up.

Marie said...

How adorable is Pete!! and that smile....melts the heart! Glad you all are doing well