Monday, November 28, 2011

Failed Photo Opportunities...

Pete has it in his head that he can hold both of the twins at the same time. The other day, as I was taking some pictures of Jude and Lily, Pete decided he wanted to be in the pictures. Here are some of our efforts at a picture with all three kids.

In this picture, Pete just realized that he REALLY needed to go to the bathroom. He started desperately asking me to get Lily off his stomach and get him to the toilet!

So as Pete headed to the bathroom, Jude and Lily took some lovely, happy pictures together. Perfectly content to be leaning back together and away from the clutches of their big brother.

Then Pete came back.....

....we tried again and again.

...and as you can see, even Jude and Lily are questioning my judgement here! Needless to say, these kids will know that Pete loves them no matter what. And I will keep letting Pete try to hold them, until they get big enough to run away, which I am afraid is ever so close!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This is such a great series. They look adorable!